Online School Programs

Online School Programs

On-line School Programs

Falls Road Primary subscribes to a number of web-based programs that can be accessed by students at home and at school. Each student will have a user name and a password for each of these programs. If you are unsure of their user name or password, please see your child's class teacher. The cost of these programs is shared by the school and the Falls Road P & C.

Matific features gamified activities that bring excitement and fun to maths. We’ve also eliminated the checklist approach and instead nurture and guide students through challenges. By putting students at ease and making the subject enjoyable, Matific reduces maths anxiety.



Students are able to access Literacy Planet, an on-line literacy-based program that covers a wide range of literacy skills. There is a huge range of interactive activities that students can take part in that are all aimed at improving students' literacy skills.
It is a self-paced program and students earn rewards as they complete activities. There are also a range of games and activities that they can do as well

Literacy planet

Passwords for Matific and Literacy Planet are available from your child's class teacher.

Literacy Pro Lexile Program
Teachers  also use the Literacy Pro Lexile Program to assess students' achievement and progess in Reading. Students are  able to read a range of books that have been given a Lexile rating based on the complexity of the text. Students are then able to complete quizzes based around the texts which assess a student's comprehension level. This then provides teachers with a Lexile range for each students that allows them to suggest appropriate texts for a student's developmental level in Reading. The Falls Road library has a wide range of lexiled texts for students to choose from.